From Italian colony to global colony
- Category: Current Affairs
- Author/Editor: Paolo Sensini
- Format: Essay/Paperback
- Dimension: 15 cms x 23 cms
- Pages: 224
- Price: 16 €
- Year: 2017
A book that reveals the responsibility of Europe and Usa in the libyan war, the actual situation and the perspectives of the country. When the war against Libya was starting to be a possibility in 2011, Sensini participated for a few months, with a group of independent english scholars, in an extensive research on the libyan territory. He immediately perceived how french, british and american interests were creating a zone of international instability. The warmongering Sarkozy’s government, helped by US and other international terroristic groups, supported the “rebels”. The bishop of Tripoli did everything in his power to avoid the war in a country that was known as the more pluralistic of the North Africa. As predicted, Al-Qaida came from Egypt to Libya waving the flag of the liberator.