Daniele Biacchessi
Daniele Biacchessi, former editor of «Radio24 - Il Sole 24 Ore», now a permanent collaborator. In 2004 and 2005 he was awarded the "Premio Cronista" for an investigation into Islamic terrorism in Italy and the reconstruction of the murder of the editorialist of "Corriere della Sera" Walter Tobagi. In 2009 he received the «Raffaele Ciriello» award, dedicated to the freelance photographer killed in the Middle East. In 2011 he won the prestigious Unesco Special Prize for the theatrical show Aquae Mundi, with the jazz musician Gaetano Liguori. In 2016 he received the "Macchina da scrivere 2016" award for the book Stories of Italian rock (Jaca Book). Finalist with L'Italia liberata. Partisan stories (Jaca Book) at the 2019 Fiuggi History Award.